Friday, November 6, 2009

1) This week I did the research paper for my architecture project. So, I learned alot about the Notre Dame. For example, they demolished an existing church (which was aalso built on a very grand scale) so they could build the Notre Dame. Also, there is no one architect for the Notre Dame. In fact there are so many that not all of them have been recorded.
2) Next week I really want to improve on autoCAD. Honestly, I forgot alot of it from last year. For this project I only ended up doing one drawing on autoCAD (plan view) which I actually traced. Also, I want to learn more about other buildings in the world
3) I can only get better on autoCAD if I get an opportunity to use it next week (or sometime later). As for other buildings, all I will have to do is listen to the presentations next week and absorb the info.

Friday, October 30, 2009


I managed to forget about blogging for around 10 days but this new method will work way better. This way I will actually remember to blog. I need to do all the hand-drawn parts of the project at home because there is no way I will finish. I got the research paper done at home on my sick day off yesterday and I felt really accomplished until I realized how much more I had to do. Hopefully I will make it through like I have on my other stuff.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I'm extremly nervous about getting this project done. My value drawing is taking much longer than expected and I feel like I won't get time for the other drawing in class. I want to do my value drawing at home but I don't seem to get time. I think I will just have to force some time into my schedule sometime early next week and do no matter what. If I do work on this is class I have decided that Monday will be my absolute last day for the value drawing. Even with all this pressure I still find comfort in the fact that I can actually find example of the drawing I need to do for my building on the internet. This reminds me: I need to download AutoCAD on my laptop.....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Trying to Chug Through

I honestly feel like the remaining 16 or so classes will not be enough for me to finish my drawing so I'm going to do my Notre Dame value drawing at home... along with my research paper. Problem is, I barely get time with all my other schoolwork. Hopefully I can make up a plan to make this work. As for now, in class I started my value drawing and I'm actually feeling pretty sucessful. I found this great website which basically has all the drawings I need. Even with the extreme pressure I'm actually enjoying myself. Let's just hope it continues this way...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Project

On Wednesday we got a new project. We have to pick a famous structure and do a series of drawings on it. Originally, Architecture 2 was supposed to pick a residential building except it was really difficult to find floorplans of famous residential buildings. So, Mr. K opened it up to any structure. I really want to do Notre Dame but I'm afraid it will be very difficult. I also saw images of Barcelone Cathedral and its beautiful. Regardless, any type of gothic architecture might be hard and that's what I want to do so I might as well get started. I think Notre Dame will be the one...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally Done

I think we are finally done with our value drawings and we will be doing something new. Honestly, I actually enjoyed doing the drawings. I'm really happy that I finished my Falling Water drawing... I actually think this is the first drawing I have actually finished since our last review day (Yes, I really need to catch up). The problem with the drawing is that if someone's never seen the building before, they would never know what it was. Making the leaves around the structure was super challenging but I think I finally pulled it out. Overall I'm pretty happy with it. Now I just want movie days for the rest of the week because I feel exhausted. Too bad it probably won't happen. Hopefully I will have the pictures up soon.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Value Drawing 2

I swear: this week is one of the slowest weeks in my life!!!!! It's only Thursday but it's supposed to be Friday. Really. Today we started our second value drawing. Apparently this one is also a building but I swear to god it looks like a racoon or a bear or something. I just really want to see what it actually looks like. I guess it's good we don't know what it is since it will help us just draw what we see but it's killing me. I started smearing with napkins and it actually seems to give a more sucessful outcome. Also it makes it easier to erase (which I really appreciate). For some reason the magic rubs weren't being very magical in my case. Since I'm getting a hang of this style I think I'm getting a bit faster and won't be behind on each slide. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a semi-art class... and I don't mind it at all.